A Prayer for Those in Search of Hope
Most Gracious God,
There are moments when we feel the sting of fear.
Some days are harder than others and it is hard to see the light. The heaviness of the decisions we must make produces anxiety.
We recognize that for some of us the season of Advent can bring about more despair and anguish, instead of anticipation and hope.
When the pace within the world makes it hard to focus on a rhythm that gives life, we feel overshadowed by the urgency to rush.
For the sounds of this season are not always pleasant. They can evoke internal pressures to respond in ways that we may not have the strength to deal.
We acknowledge today all of our fears, doubts, questions, sadness, pain and grief as a part of our current reality.
Through all of this, we are reminded that this week we are to enter this period of incubation to wait for the manifestation of your presence.
Help us to reflect on the coming of Christ that calls us to hope and remain faithful, even with the darkness that exists in the world and in our soul.
Guide us on the journey so that we can have the courage to breathe through our disbelief and release the worry within.
Show us how to tenderly care for ourselves throughout this season.
As we continue throughout this week, remind us of your grace that restores hope. We give thanks for the promise of your presence that would be with us.
So in the spirit of Mary, we sit with all of our peculiarities and shout out that our soul magnifies you.
Reenergize us for the days to come so that we can connect with the gift already inside of us.
We pray that we find the hope that helps us to walk by faith through uncertainties. Amen