Welcome to my blog!
My name is Samuel Green, Jr. Over the years, I have strongly committed to leading a holistic life by learning from my mistakes and developing a mindset to persist through obstacles.
I am leaning into one of my biggest fears of writing publicly to share my thoughts on faith, growing into adulthood and living free of shame.
This blog is a collection of my thoughts and desires to help others deal with the many questions that we face when trying to learn from the setbacks in life while still aiming for personal achievement.
I admit that my journey has not been pretty at all. I have had a few setbacks and have experienced some failures in my life where my original plans did not work out the way I originally intended.
I learned through being intentional about self-care and by strengthening my faith how to make sense of the unexpected curves that have shifted my journey.
My personal growth that has helped me overcome adversity can be attributed to what I call a 3-D model for life values – decision, determination, and destination.
I really want you to follow along this journey by subscribing to my site and participating in the conversation on how we can chose to live the life we were intended to live by turning our dreams into realities.
To read my formal bio, click here!